Sito del restauro della Cappella  degli Scrovegni Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali Istituto Centrale per il Restauro
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Why was the project necessary?

The aims
In the light of surveys and investigations carried out by ICR, the conservation and restoration activities on the Chapel's wall decorations had the following aims:

- revision of the state of adhesion of the paint film to the preparatory layers, and of the condition of cohesion of the pigments, especially in the areas where azurite had been used;
- reconstruction of the adhesion between the preparatory layers and the supporting wall (except for the left wall, which had been treated similarly in 1997);
- cleaning the painted surfaces to remove atmospheric deposits and - wherever possible - the fixatives used in previous restoration work;
- extraction of soluble salts from the painted film followed by careful cleaning (especially for the scenes of the Inferno, the Discussion with the Elders, the Ascent to Calvary, Mary's Return Home, as well as the area where the vaulting meets the left wall above the main arch)
- removal of stucco work carried out during previous attempts at restoration (not only to integrate missing areas but also to conceal the nail-heads used to consolidate the plaster) and its replacement with other colours and materials, which had been thoroughly tested beforehand.
- re-integration of the missing areas, or those areas where the paint film was in a bad state.

Alongside actions of a more general nature, urgent action was taken in areas of particularly "high risk", starting in April 2001. For further information on the reasons for carrying out the various operations, go to: Descriptive report on the finalised project - ICR , July 2000